Inter Result 2024
Students who appeared for the intermediate final examination session under the Punjab boards of education and are waiting for final results are invited here to get all the latest updates on results. According to the recent announcement, made In October, 2024, by the Punjab education ministry, it has been decided to postpone all the Punjab boards Inter result 2024. It has been announced that the promotion policy for the inter result has not been approved by the Covid-19 cabinet. However, until the final approval of the cabinet, the result will not be scheduled. Previously, the Punjab boards of education have announced the final schedule for the intermediate results 2024.
Latest Update On Inter Result
Students of inter must remember the old saying of no pain no gain so in order to gain long term success effort essential hard work must be put toward preparation of studies and revision of courses as the results near release.
As the release date of intermediate results near, student’s anxiety increases and they become extremely concerned regarding their efforts put towards their hours of hard work but student need to remain motivated and keep their hopes up.
Intermediate (HSSC) or class 12th results are in the final stages of release so intermediate students need not to worry as everything will be clear once the final results are released that are expected very soon.
As the release date comes close intermediate students (HSSC) must apply towards their future study programs as not to waste time and begin preparation for their future studies as time is of the essence and only those who understand the value of time will succeed in accomplishing their goals of the future.
Student’s of Intermediate (HSSC) 12th class rejoice as Allah has finally heard your prayers. By the grace of Allah, the Punjab board has finally come to an agreement to release the intermediate 2nd year results on the 10th of October, 2024, so good luck to all the students who have been preparing for this historic moment as the defining and turning point of their careers, after which there will be no turning back as this important key milestone will shape or break the student's upcoming educational careers.
As the final intermediate results are expected in the following days, students should prepare for their future by asking their colleagues, parents, and friends which colleges and institutes they should apply to.
Those students of intermediate who have achieved numerous positions throughout their academic career will understand the value of doing hard work as they spend no day idle and prepare for the worst as the board finalizes the inter results to be released in the upcoming days.
The government will soon put an end to all celebrations of Intermediate student’s as they are preparing and gearing up that releasing the final results which are expecting in the 2nd week of October 2024.
Students of HSSC must take into notice the current situation of the pandemic and keep themselves busy by revising their courses as not giving proper attention to studies will hurt their future prospects of becoming successful business, engineer, IT expert or doctor.
As the final inter results are expecting in the coming days students should be ready and make preparation for their future as to what are the best colleges and institutes they should take admission in by asking their peers, parents and friends.
Students should take admission in entry test preparation classes while they await their HSSC results as the Punjab board is nearing the final stages of announcing the results for the students of intermediate 2024.
Students who are awaiting their intermediate results must remember to revise their subjects for better preparation and should take admission in their respective colleges based on anticipated results of intermediate are to be released as the provincial cabinet is in talks discussing the final approval for HSSC results.
Prospective students must not waste their time and apply for their study programs and revise their board subjects for better performance in future as they might be tested again for their credibility. Government is in negotiation with Covid 19 cabinet as it finalizes the results of successful candidates of HSSC.
Student who are preparing to get admission in their future study programs in the top Universities of Pakistan including NUST, IBA , LUMS, Punjab University etc. must not loose hope as they must have positive attitude during these trying times of despair and confusion as Government is in the final stages of announcing matric result.
Students who are awaiting their inter results will be very glad that all their hard work has payed off as Punjab board is very close to announce the HSSC resulting following in the footsteps of Federal board which announce the results recently.

Intermediate Result 2024
Intermediate result 2024 comprises on all the subjects or classes at intermediate level. There are different subjects categories lay under intermediate standard. At the same time there are a large number of students come to appear for the intermediate annual exams. In this year, the same case has come to see that a lot of students participated for inter annual exams and all these are, now, looking for their results. It is making sure to the students that the result for all categories will be declared at the same date and at the same time.
Intermediate Result: Grading & Division System Based on Marks
Based on this grading or division system, you will be eligible to get admission into the higher education programs or universities in Pakistan. We advise students that, first of all, you have to check your grading system that how many marks or divisions have you obtained then compare your obtained grades or divisions with the required criteria of the university to which you are going to apply.
Intermediate Results Grading System
The following chart is showing the intermediate results grading system based on marks:
No. | Grades | % Of Marks | Marks | Remarks |
01. | A+ | 80 % or above marks | 880 or above marks | Outstanding |
02. | A | 70% to 79.99% marks | 770 to 879 | Excellent |
03. | B | 60% to 69.99% marks | 660 to 769 | Very Good |
04. | C | 50% to 59.99% marks | 550 to 659 | Good |
05. | D | 40% to 49.99% marks | 440 to 549 | Fair |
06. | E | 33% to 39.99% marks | 439 or below | Satisfactory |
Intermediate Results Division System
The following chart is showing the intermediate results division system based on marks:
No. | % Of Marks | Divisions |
01. | 60 % or above marks | 1st Division |
02. | 45 % to less than 60 % | 2nd Division |
03. | 33 % to less than 45% | 3rd Division |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the Inter result be announced?
Ans: The Inter result is usually announced in the month of October. The exact date is not yet announced, but it is expected to be announced soon.
Q: How can I check my Inter result?
Ans: You can check your Inter result online or by SMS. To check your result online, you can visit the official website and enter your roll number. To check your result by SMS, you can send your roll number to 8000.
Q: What if I don't pass my Inter exam?
Ans: If you don't pass your Inter exam, you can retake the exam in the next sitting. You can also apply for a re-evaluation of your papers.
Q: What are the benefits of passing the Inter exam?
Ans: Passing the Inter exam will allow you to apply for admission to a bachelor's degree program at a university or college. It will also open up employment opportunities for you.
Check other Results of Boards Inter Result
Every year, this is the common law rules that 2nd year students first come to perform their exams and after completing these exams 1st year students are asked to appear for the annual exams. Therefore, 2nd year result 2024 will be declared before the 1st year result. 2nd year result is the final result of the intermediate class because this result allows you to get entrance into the next stage of education journey. So, 2nd year result 2024 is more important than that of 1st year result. Every year we see that the Boards of Education declare the results in clear methods and this is the reason that makes our education system strong.
1st year result 2024
1st year result 2024 comes to announce after 2nd year result at intermediate level. Part I exams were held in the month of May and this time the students are just looking for the result. An announcement has declared for the students that the result will come just after announcing the part 2 result. However, a confirm date is not yet announced. The students will be announced immediately when the date will be confirmed by the authority. Anyhow, the students are going to make sure that 1st year result 2024 for all the subjects and categories will be declared at the same date and same time for both private as well as regular students. Stay upto date at with latest news about intermediate result.