NTS Result 2024
What is the date of the NTS Result 2024?
NTS latest result 2024 is available here for all the candidates who are looking for it. After appearing in any kind of test or exams the one thing that all candidates do that they start looking for the exact date of the result. This is very important for them because on behalf of it they go for advance cortege in order to get admission in different institutes as well as to get some job. Like this, NTS results also have the same value and importance for all aspirants. It is informed to those candidates who had appeared in the recently conducted NTS test that the officials have not announced any confirm date yet. But as soon as the officials will announce any date regarding NTS result 2024, it will be published online here for your facility. The NTS test result will also available here on this page. The candidates are advised to keep connected with us to get the exact date as well as the result on time.

How to check online NTS Result 2024?
After the announcement of the result, the NTS result 2024 will be available here on this page. There are several ways by which the candidates can check their results. They can check their results from allresults.pk as well as from the official website of the National Testing Services. The result will also available on other educational websites. We provide the facility of getting your NTS test results quickly. We have an online result portal given below on this page from where you easily get it. You are required to enter your roll numbers that are mentioned on your admit cards or your full name to access it. Moreover, you can also enter your CNIC number for the sake of getting your nts result by cnic easily. Stay in touch with us to get your NTS test result 2024 on time. On the other hand, you can install the result app from the Google app store. This app is specially designed for the candidates who face some problems while getting their results. This app contains all kinds of education results of all universities as well as all boards, technical board results, job results, entrance test results, etc.
General Information on NTS test
NTS test is conducted by a special and important department National Testing Services for different purposes. There are two main types of tests that are conducted by NTS i.e., NAT and GAT. The purpose of the commencement of the National Aptitude Test (NAT) is to provide an opportunity for candidates to take admission in MS/MPhil classes in different universities of Pakistan. While the Graduate Assessment Test (GAT) is conducted to select students for Ph.D. classes. It made compulsory for candidates by several public and private universities of Pakistan to pass the NTS entrance test for the sake of taking admission in different universities. These include Institutes of Management Sciences Peshawar, Government University Faisalabad, Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (all campuses) and many others. You can check the list of these universities from our website.
Apart from these educational tests, National Testing Services also manage some other tests for the recruitment of candidates in different departments of various private and public organizations. You can get the details of these NTS tests from our website. Moreover, the NTS test is managed once a year according to a defined schedule by the officials. Allresults.pk is the best platform for candidates to get NTS result by name with the answer keys easily as well as all other details about the NTS test.
Q: When will the NTS test results be announced?
Ans: The NTS test results are usually announced within 2 months of the test date. The exact date of the results announcement is not published in advance.
Q: How can I check my NTS test results?
Ans: You can check your NTS test results online by logging into your NTS account. You can also check your results by SMS by sending your roll number to 8877.
Q: What if I do not pass the NTS test?
Ans: If you do not pass the NTS test, you can retake the test. However, you must wait at least 3 months before you can retake the test.