BISE AJK Board SSC Class Result 2024
BISE AJK Board SSC Class results 2024 will be available on this page on 31st July. The Board of AJK has legislative authority to renew, develop, cancel, plan and execute all the administrative and financial policies of its jurisdiction areas. Mainly the board has to commence intermediate and secondary class’s supplementary and annual examinations and also prepare for their results.
The SSC Results of AJK Board of its jurisdiction areas such as: District Muzzafarabad, District Hattian Bala, District Neelam, Mirpur, Kotli and Bhimber are announced simultaneously on same day. The online gazette will be arranged by our website and the students would have to insert their roll numbers only to get their online mark sheets.

The private candidates will receive mark sheets of their Results of SSC AJK Board 2024 within a week after they are being officially announced. While, regular candidates will receive the mark sheets from the administration of their schools respectively. The AJK Board is offering online registration, online challan form and online application option for both intermediate and secondary classes in its official website.
Currently, 800 secondary and intermediate institutions are affiliated with AJK Board. Besides commencement of examinations and preparations of results the board has to undertake the responsibilities of enrollment of students, providing necessary equipments and furniture to affiliated institutions, ensuring the content being taught in institutions is according to prescribed criteria of government, arranging for inquiry and checking surveys of institutions and also organizing for scholarships and fee waivers programs for needy students.
Announcement of SSC Result 2024 BISE AJK
Every year after announcement of SSC and HSSC awards, the Board of AJK organized a prize distribution ceremony for position holders and deserving candidates in its head office. Similarly, this year after announcement of SSC 2024 Results of AJK Board an awarding ceremony will be organized and the board will give awards to deserving candidates.
The board is also responsible to introduce such policies that could encourage more enrollments of students on schools and colleges and also ensures quality of education is being served in both private and public sector institutions. The BISE Boards all across Pakistan are governmental tools to develop an accommodating education system for all of its enrolled students despite their religious or financial status. The AJK Board has been providing a high standard and quality services in its areas and it has played a vital role in developing education system at intermediate and matriculation level.
The Board is following modernized and updated techniques to promote education in its area. The infrastructure of schools and administration of schools is functioning under the guidance of AJK Board. The education being delivered in schools and colleges is knowledge based and practical. The Board has arranged an online information panel in its official website for assistance and guidance of both private and regular candidates.
The online information of admissions and registrations is extremely helpful for private candidates specifically. Because having certain limitation to attain admissions in regular classes, the private candidates can study privately and get all the required information online without much effort of travelling.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: 1 When were the AJK Board conducted the SSC exams?
Ans: The Bise AJK Board conducted the SSC exams on 14 May 2024.
Q: 2 What is the SSC result status of the AJK Board?
Ans: The result of SSC are yet to be announced by the AJK Board.
Q: 3 How can I check my SSC result by name?
Ans: To check the SSC result by name, go to the website. Enter your name there instead of the roll number. Submit it to check the result.
Check other Results of Boards SSC Class Result