Aga Khan Board SSC Class Result 2024
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Updated December 2023
The long-awaited Aga Khan Board SSC Result 2024will be announced. Students can now easily access their results on the official board website. This year's outcomes serve as evidence of the hard work and unwavering dedication shown by the Intermediate candidates. The Aga Khan Board remains steadfast in its dedication to maintaining academic excellence and ensuring a fair assessment process.
Aga Khan Board Results of SSC Classes are expected to be announced in the month of 11 August. The Board announces its part1 and part 2 SSC classes both in July every year. The results has been posted at once the Board officially announces it. Any change or delay in the announcement of the results has been updated on this page. The students of SSC Classes Aga Khan Board can stay updated regarding their results by visiting our website.

Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKUEB) SSC Results are prepared under the same criterion of BISE Boards of Pakistan. The syllabus for SSC and HSSC classes at Aga Khan Board has been prescribed by Ministry of Education Pakistan except the teaching system of Aga khan Board which is different from other BISE Boards. The teaching method adopted by Aga khan Board for all of its academic programs is based on Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) that encourage conceptual learning and develop higher order cognitive skills.
Aga Knah Board Examination Result of SSC Class
Each paper of a student’s is being checked by several E- Markers to ensure impartiality. All the examinations papers are scanned into e-marking software. Anonymity of students is top most priority of the Board. Each examiner team is monitored by a senior examiner who supervises the whole process and keeps a report. The senior examiner has a specific marking scheme and assures its implementation. It is because of this highly effective checking system of AKUED that it has gained credibility and appreciation from national and international educationists. SSC results 2024 and HSSC results 2024 has been posted on our website according to the schedule.
Aga Khan Examination Board was established in 2003 to ensure effective examinations system and assessment in Pakistan. It is working privately but is affiliated with Ministry of Education Pakistan. The examinations designed by AKUED ensure intellectual capability and strong analytical skills. The board uses international methodology of examinations which are based on three principles including, transparent and reliable checking system, entirety of syllabus and using technology to calculate scores in examinations.
The SSC examinations of Aga Khan Board are consisted of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Constructed Response Questions (CRQs) and Extended Response Questions (ERQs). The Board assures that all the students are being treated equally; there should be no discrimination due to religion, sect, geographical background or financial background. Teacher training is another factor that adds to the uniqueness of the board. The board has dedicated an exclusive department for teaching training. The teachers are trained to engage students in learning environment encourage them to questions, use the analytical and intellectual faculties, and develop enhanced higher-order cognitive skills in students.
To improve the outcome the AKUED Board is offering Learning Support Materials to SSC students. This Learning Support Materials consists past papers for all subjects, anthologies for Urdu Compulsory, Urdu Asaan and English Literature subjects, a guide for SSC I English Compulsory, resource lists and concept of maps for all subjects, and a command words guide. For the preparations of results E-Marking system is being executed.
Check other Results of Boards SSC Class Result