Matric Result 2024
All Punjab boards students who are waiting for the Matric Result 2024 can get all the latest updates on the Punjab board’s matric class result 2024. According to the recent announcement by the Punjab education ministry on September 28th, 2024, the final matric class result has been postponed. It is announced that the Covid-19 cabinet has not approved the promotion policy for matric class result 2024. The final result schedule will be announced once the promotion policy will be approved by the cabinet. Before this, the Punjab education ministry has decided to announce the matric class final results 2024 on October 16th, 2024. We advise students to keep in touch with us until the final announcement of the results.
Latest Update On Matric Result
Because the Matric result is one of the most awaited results among all Pakistani children, it is of particular importance because it is the determining factor in how successful a child's future will be. As a result, students should stay informed about the government's final stages of announcing SSC results.
As the Punjab board nears the end of announcing SSC results, students should remember to pray and prioritize their studies, as a good matric exam pass would allow them access to bright chances in the future.
Matric (SSC) students who are anticipating their results need not to worry and go into despair as the results will eventually be announced during this week so keep your hopes up and prepare for the future by revising your compulsory as well as objective courses.
Students of matric (SSC) must not loose hope as the finalization and release of matric results come near. SSC must remember the efforts their parents put forward towards them and must not shatter their dreams and work hard for their future goals so that they could achieve prosperity and success.
Students of matric (SSC) will be very glad to know that the Punjab board has finally set aside their arguments and has come to conclusion regarding the announcement of the final results of matric students as they are expected to release the final result on the 18th of October 2024. Students of matric can finally release and ease their minds as the truth will finally be revealed as to whether they have worked hard or have been lazy at their studies resulting in low grades or examination failure.
Prospective students who are anticipating for matric results will be relieved to know that their hard work of studying will not be in vain, as the Federal government and local governments recognize the urgent situation and will disclose the results very soon in the coming days.
Those students who are celebrating and this that the government has initiated a great blessing upon matric students during pandemic passing all students in compulsory subjects will realize that they are gravely mistaken as there can be no substitute for hard work in the long run as the board finalizes the results.
Prospective students awaiting matric final results will be glad to know that their strenuous efforts regarding studies will not go up in the air as the local and federal boards understand the serious pandemic situation will announce the results shortly in the upcoming days.
As the Punjab board in the final stages of announcing the results of SSC students must remember to pray and give importance towards their studies as successful matric exam passing will grant them access towards bright opportunities in the future.
SSC students will be very happy once they hear the good news of successfully passing the annual exams for which they prepared for the whole year as matric acts as a stepping stone for the student future academic career and prospects.
Students who are awaiting their results must revise their subjects and prepare for the worst as students should always be prepared for upcoming opportunities in the field of education as the Punjab Boards finalizes the matric results.
Students awaiting their metric results must not waste their time and begin preparation of their college study programs as Punjab Board’s secretary has notified that matric results will be release very soon in the upcoming days as soon promotion policy of students is approved.
As the result of Matric is one of the most awaited result of all Pakistani children therefore it holds special importance as it is the determining factor as to how successful a child’s future will be therefore students should keep themselves updated on government in the final stages of announcing SSC results.
Students of SSC will be very glad to know that Chairman of Punjab Board Committee has announced that the board will announce the results very soon but exact date was not mentioned as final matric results are being finalized due to the new Covid policy update.
Prospective students who are awaiting desired matric results will be glad to know that their efforts of studying hard would not be going to waste as the Federal government as well as local government understand the pandemic situation and will announce the results very soon in the upcoming days.

Matric Results: Grading & Division System Based on Marks
Here we come with the complete details on the grading and division system, for the matric class session, based on marks. Keep in mind that your ability to get admission into the intermediate classes depends on the grades or divisions you obtained in the matric class. We advise students that before going to choose your colleges, you have to know your grades or divisions ranges and then based on the obtained grades or divisions you should choose the colleges. Always try to apply to the institutes for which you are meeting with the required criteria. We offer the best wishes to students who are going to start their intermediate education career:
Matric Results Grading System with 1050 Marks
The following table is showing the complete and updated details on the matric result grading system based on 1050 marks:
No. | Grades | % Of Marks | Marks | Remarks |
01. | A+ | 80 % or above marks | 840 or above marks | Outstanding |
02. | A | 70% to 79.99% marks | 735 to 839 | Excellent |
03. | B | 60% to 69.99% marks | 630 to 734 | Very Good |
04. | C | 50% to 59.99% marks | 525 to 629 | Good |
05. | D | 40% to 49.99% marks | 420 to 524 | Fair |
06. | E | 33% to 39.99% marks | 419 or below | Satisfactory |
Matric Results Grading System with 1100 Marks
The following table is showing the complete and updated details on the matric result grading system based on 1100 marks:
No. | Grades | % Of Marks | Marks | Remarks |
01. | A+ | 80 % or above marks | 880 or above marks | Outstanding |
02. | A | 70% to 79.99% marks | 770 to 879 | Excellent |
03. | B | 60% to 69.99% marks | 660 to 769 | Very Good |
04. | C | 50% to 59.99% marks | 550 to 659 | Good |
05. | D | 40% to 49.99% marks | 440 to 549 | Fair |
06. | E | 33% to 39.99% marks | 439 or below | Satisfactory |
Matric Results Practical Grading System with 1100 Marks
The following table is showing the complete and updated details on the matric result practical grading system based on 1100 marks:
No. | Grades | % Of Marks | Marks | Remarks |
01. | A+ | 90 % or above marks | 18 or above marks | Outstanding |
02. | A | 80% to 89.99% marks | 16 to 17 | Excellent |
03. | B | 70% to 79.99% marks | 14 to 15 | Very Good |
04. | C | 60% to 69.99% marks | 12 to 13 | Good |
05. | D | 50% to 59.99% marks | 10 to 11 | Fair |
06. | E | 33% to 39.99% marks | 08 or 09 | Satisfactory |
Matric Results Division System
The following table is showing the complete and updated details on the matric result division system based on marks:
No. | % Of Marks | Divisions |
01. | 60 % or above marks | 1st Division |
02. | 45 % to less than 60 % | 2nd Division |
03. | 33 % to less than 45% | 3rd Division |
Matric SSC Result 2024
After the conducting of matric class exams, students were waiting for the final term result of Matric and subsequent to a long time in August result has been announced so the students are recommended to view their matric class board Result. As many candidates were waiting for their result very nervously now all the students can check result by roll number wise 2024 of Matric. Students are very satisfied by the results announced because eighty percent of students have been passed some of them got supplies and they become very sad for the unexpected anticipation of their final term results. Matric grade is very basics classes in Pakistan because in its syllabus all the compulsory and basic concepts are added.

Matric Result 2024 Announced by Pakistan Educational Boards
As usual, all the governmental educational boards announce the results of Matric in a given time before its complete announcement, in 2024 many brilliant students of matric class got success in higher positions and their results were announced before some hours of full results of Matric. Students can check Result of position holders of Matric 2024. All the candidates of Matric received their roll number slips before the announcements of exam and their selected centers for exams were mentioned in their roll number slips now they can use that roll number for checking results. They can check online result by roll number Matric 2024. Students can download the details of their results in the form of PDF versions online. There is very fine news for the candidates of Matric that there is a new Android app has been launched online for the ease of students for checking results, students can install and download this android app in their mobile phones and laptops for very sharp confirming of results of annual exams of Matric.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: 1 What was the exam date of matric?
Ans: The exam date of matric was 17 May 2024.
Q: 2 Does the Board announce the matric result?
Ans: The Board has yet to announce the matric result for 2024.
Q: 3 What is the method of online checking result by roll number?
Ans: The method for online checking result by roll number is that you have to visit the website. Enter your roll number there and search result.
Check Results of Boards Matric Result
All Punjab Boards Matric Result 2024
All the boards of Punjab are responsible for conducting the exams in fair and crystal-clear environment so that every student can get the full out comes of his hardworking. These Boards also consolidate the exams of Diploma programs. All these boards are performing their duties in a well-mannered way. The most important duties of Punjab boards include the affiliation of educational institutes, registration of candidates to appeared in 9th and 10th class annual exams, issuance of roll number slips to the candidates, conducting exams in fair environment, arrangement of examination halls for conducting exams and the preparation of results after the exams. Every year thousands of Private school candidates, Government school candidates and Private candidates registered through these boards to appear in matric annual exams held under the provision of boards of Punjab.
Matric Exams Result in 2024 Announced Date
Matric exams usually started in the month of March whereas the date sheet announce one month before the commencement of exams mainly in February. All the boards announce the matric result mostly in the month of July after the interval of three months of conducting the exams. This year all Punjab Boards had conducted the exams in March however the schedule of these exams announces one month before the beginning of exams. Now the students who were appeared in matric annual exams 2024 are now waiting for their Matric Result 2024 querulously. Here is good news for those students that their wait is going to be end now because soon all the boards of Punjab are going to declare matric result 2024.
2024 Matric Result
Whenever the officials of all the nine boards announce any confirm date for the declaration of Matric Result 2024 we will updated it here. Students can also check their result on our website As soon as the boards will announce the results we will uploaded the result without wasting any time. So, all the result awaiting students are advised to stay in touch with us for more details about results.
Keep in touch with for matric result 2024 updates. The matric result 2024 can be seen at the relevant result pages.
You Can Also Check Matric Position Holders.