Punjab Medical Faculty Result 2024
What is the date of the PMF Result 2024?
If you are looking out for the PMF result 2024 then you are on the right page. From this page, you can get all the latest information regarding the result. You are also able to check the PMF old and new scheme result 2024 easily. The PMF exams are managed in the month of February every year. The candidates show a lot of participation in these exams. After that, the officials start developing the results for them. The result is composed and declared after one and a half months. Students will be able to check their results in the last week of March or in the early dates of April. The result awaiting students are advised to keep connected with us for all the associated results news.

How to Check Online PMF Result 2024?
Right after the announcement of the result, it will be published online on the official website of the PMF. The result is also available on allresults.pk. We have an online result portal given below on this page from where you can easily get the PMF result 2024. The procedure of getting your result is simple. The first step is to select the exam in which you are required to mark the scheme (old or new) then select session and category respectively. In the fourth step, you are restricted to enter your correct roll numbers and click on “OK”. The result will be displayed in front of your screen within no time. You can also check the results from the result app that provides you a simple path of it.
PMF Exams Result 2024
PMF stands for Punjab Medical Faculty and was established in 1916. It works for the betterment and development of the Allied Health Sciences. Many public and private sector institutes are affiliated with it that offers diplomas and certificates in certain fields of Allied Health Sciences. The PMF has the power for the commencement of the exams in these affiliated institutes. The result is also provided to the candidate by PMF. You can get the PMF entry test result 2024 of following courses from our website;
- Dispenser
- Medical Lab Technology
- Radiography and Imaging Technology
- Lab Assistant
- Dental Hygienist
- Renal Dialysis Technology
- Nuclear Medicine Technology
- Operation Theatre Technology
- Vacillator
- Public Health Technology
You can check the results of all these courses from this page. Moreover, the PMF also offers the facility of paper rechecking to the candidates.
Result FAQs
Q: When will the PMF result be announced?
Ans: The announcement date for the PMF result can vary each year. It is recommended to visit the official website of or contact them directly to get the most up-to-date information regarding the result announcement.
Q: How can I check myresult?
Ans: Some educational institutions,, offer an SMS service, where you can send an SMS with your roll number to a designated number to receive your result on your mobile phone.
Q: What details do I need to check my result?
Ans: To check your result, you will typically need your roll number or other required details as specified by the university. Make sure to keep your roll number safe and easily accessible to avoid any inconvenience when the results are announced.
Q: Can I apply for rechecking or reevaluation of my papers if I am not satisfied with the result?
Ans: Yes, if you are not satisfied with your result, you may have the option to apply for rechecking or reevaluation of your papers. The specific procedures, deadlines, and fees associated with rechecking or reevaluation vary depending on the university's policies. It is advisable to check the official website or contact university directly for detailed information on the rechecking or reevaluation process.