CTS Result 2024
Candidates Testing Service (CTS) Result 2024
Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) has recently announced the CTS result 2024 for the result awaiting candidates. The candidates who had participated in the PESCO CTS written test are now able to get their results from our website. The exams are managed according to a predefined schedule. First of all, interesting candidates apply for a specific job. Only the eligible candidates can apply for the offered jobs. Before applying for the jobs, the candidates are restricted to fulfill the eligibility criteria. If you are not familiar with the eligibility criteria, you can check it by visiting our website. After applying, the eligible candidates are issued CTS roll number slips and they will compete to take the test. The exams are managed on particular dates for the registered candidates and the result announced after 7 to 10 days. All the result awaiting candidates are now able to check their CTS result 2024 from our website.

How to Check Online CTS Result 2024?
The CTS testing agency manages several job exams every year for the recruitment of the candidates in different private and public departments of Pakistan. The result is also announced by the authority because on behalf of the result it will be decided either a candidate is competent for the job or not. Recently, the PESCO Meter Reader CTS result 2024 has been announced by the authority. If you have not got the result yet, no need to worry about that because allresults.pk is providing you an easy and best way of accessing your result. Right on this page, the result is available for your convenience. The procedure for checking the result is very simple. Follow the steps and view your result quickly.
- Select the PESCO Meter Reader Job from the portal.
- Then put your ID card number in the search bar without dashes.
- At the end, click on the search button and the result will be displayed in front of you.
- Moreover, you are also able to download your result and take print of it.
CTS Merit Lists 2024
PESCO Meter Reader CTS merit list 2024 is available on our website. The candidates' merit list is also available on the official website of the CTS. The merit list contains the names of those lucky candidates who are selected for the job or shortlisted for the interviews. The merit list is published after a few days of the result announcement. The selected candidates can check further procedures from our website easily. Moreover, you are also able to get other CTS jobs merit lists from our website.
CTS Result 2024
CTS stands for Candidates Testing Services. It is a testing organization that is working across Pakistan and also works as an independent and self-sustained agency. It also works as a helping hand for the private and public sector institutions in their several duties of the recruitment and selection that is based on merit. The CTS testing organization manages several types of exams for several posts. Different level candidates can apply for it by fulfilling the requirements. As we know that different level jobs acquire different qualifications so candidates of intermediate, graduation, and masters can apply for their relevant posts. Several posts that are offered by CTS are given below:
- Chief Supervisors
- Physical Test Conductor
- Data Entry Operator
- Invigilator
- Resident Inspector
You can check all other posts from allresults.pk. On the other hand, the CTS also works for the students’ admissions in the leading universities of Pakistan. Get further details from our website.